Ryan & Jen Barksdale
About Ryan & Jen
Meet Ryan and Jen, the dynamic and talented married couple who are making waves in the fitness and dance world. Combining their backgrounds in dance and fitness, they founded their hip hop fitness niche with a mission to inspire others to embrace a healthy lifestyle while having fun! With their infectious enthusiasm and dedication to empowering others, their platform is a go-to destination for fitness enthusiasts and dance lovers seeking a joyful and inclusive fitness journey. They actively engage with their followers, sharing tips, popular dance trends, motivation, and empowering messages, creating a digital space that promotes self-expression and self-love. Through their unwavering dedication to their craft, they continue to inspire and uplift their community, leaving a lasting impact on the world of fitness and dance.
Social Media Profiles
Revive Superfoods, Eat to Evolve, CorVive, BeatMaker Pro, Liberty Music, Walker Hayes, Big Tiny Sound, MyBall, Home goods, Coldest, Dancing with Myself, Factor, Anchor Media, Crozon Music, Head, Yadea
Work with Ryan & Jen
[540] 516-4486 || jesschattin.com